## Introduction
- ### What is Atocha protocol?
Atocha is a decentralized protocol that enables people create or solve puzzles and riddles with real prizes.
- ### Is there any functional web app or mobile app that is available for the users to experience?
Apparently, we are in the middle of the development phase and expecting to roll out our test net by end of November 2021 or early December 2021. Stay tuned for updates from the team.
- ### Why use the name Atocha?
Nuestra Señora de Atocha was a Spanish treasure galleon and the most widely known vessel of a fleet of ships that sank in a hurricane off the Florida Keys in 1622. At the time of her sinking, Nuestra Señora de Atocha was heavily laden with copper, silver, gold, tobacco, gems, and indigo from Spanish ports at Cartagena and Porto Bello in New Granada and Havana, bound for Spain. The Nuestra Señora de Atocha was named for a holy shrine in Madrid, Spain. It was a heavily armed Spanish galleon that served as the Almirante for the Spanish fleet. It would trail behind the other ships in the flota to prevent an attack from the rear.
While Atocha Protocol is very much related to treasure hunting and solving the mystery, therefore relating the protocol with this famous shipwreck where people flock in to search for the treasure. That is the kind of community we want to build.
## Tokenomics
- ### What is the native token for Atocha Protocol?
The native token for Atocha Protocol will be $ATO coin.
- ### In which network will $ATO be minted and circulated?
It will be minted as a NEP-141 token on Near Protocol.
- ### What is the token distribution for Atocha Protocol?
We will be announcing the finalized token distribution chart soon. Stay tuned.
- ### Is there any fundraising for Atocha Protocol?
Yes, we are currently at our Seed Round.
## Staking
- ### How can I become a validator for Atocha Protocol?
You need to have at least 10,000 $OCT and set up a validator node on Octopus Network in order to support Atocha Protocol as a validator. More details on how to set up can be found here: [https://docs.oct.network/maintain/validator-guide.html](https://docs.oct.network/maintain/validator-guide.html)
- ### How much can I earn if I’m a validator for Atocha Protocol?
We will be announcing the amount of reward allocated for the validators through the token distribution chart. Stay tuned.
- ### How can I earn rewards as a staker?
We currently categorized staking activities into 2 categories:
1. Staking as validator - You will be required to set up validating nodes with 10,000 $OCT to be able to stake.
2. Staking as nominator - You can stake with any amount of $OCT and delegate to your preferred validators.
- ### How can I claim my staking reward?
Validators or nominators can claim their reward through the [mainnet.oct.network](http://mainnet.oct.network). More details will be made available once the staking starts.
## Mechanism
- ### How many stages are there for a puzzle game from creation to reward distribution?
![atocha game mechanism 2.png](https://atocha.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/atocha_mechanism_20211101.png)
There are a total of 5 phases:
1. Puzzle Creation - the puzzle is created by the creator
2. Solving The Puzzle - the players can start solving the puzzle
3. Puzzle Challenge Phase - the puzzle is expired and the answer is revealed by the creator, community can challenge the validity of the answer or the quality of the puzzle
4. Arbitration & Judgement - if the puzzle is being challenged, there will be an arbitration session by judges selected by the community as well as the core team members of Atocha Protocol
5. Final Judging & Redistribution of $ATO - the protocol will then decide whether the puzzle is solved or unsolved, redistribution of $ATO will be based on the 3 outcomes
- ### What happens when my wallet has $ATO that is lesser than the minimum required amount?
You will not be able to do any transaction on Atocha Protocol. The minimum required amount of $ATO has not been set.
- ### How much is the minimum amount of $ATO that I need to have in my wallet to keep it activated?
The minimum required amount of $ATO has not been set. Please stay tuned.
- ### Do I need to have a Near Wallet in order to use Atocha Protocol?
Yes, you will be required to set up a Near Wallet to use Atocha Protocol and interact with the puzzle.
## How To Participate? (As Creator)
- ### How do I create a puzzle on Atocha Protocol?
You will be required to prepare the following details in order to complete the creation of a puzzle:
1. Puzzle title
2. Puzzle questions, rules, descriptions
3. Puzzle answer
4. Puzzle-solving duration (setting up an expiry date)
5. $ATO security deposit (an amount that will be returned if there's no foul play in creating the puzzle)
6. $ATO prize amount (recommended to allocate an amount as a prize to get the community to join the puzzle)
7. $ATO amount for ticket fee (solver needs to pay before they are able to submit their answer)
8. Other supporting contents like graphic, music, voice, or video
- ### Can I copy my already published puzzle and put it up on Atocha Protocol?
Yes, you can. However, do check on the copyright and it is best to publish an altered or improved puzzle based on your existing to make it more challenging.
- ### How can I claim for my ticket fee earned as a creator?
As a creator, you get to earn some ticket fee paid by the solvers who tried to solve your puzzle. The mechanism to claim will be provided when the test net is up.
- ### Can I change my puzzle in the middle of the active solving period?
No, once you submit your puzzle. It is already recorded on the blockchain and the record is immutable. You will be required to create a new one with your intended modification.
- ### Should a creator put up an amount of ATO as a sponsor prize for the puzzle?
Yes. This is a great encouragement for the community to participate. Since the puzzle will be required to have ticket fee, so it is fair to say that a reasonable amount of sponsor prize can be put up by the creator.
- ### How long should a creator set the solving duration for a puzzle?
There is no definite duration recommended. Based on your puzzle complexity and rate of engagement, you can set it to be within an hour or even days. If you think that your puzzle is like an ultimate mystery that only top brains can solve, you can set it to be in months or years.
- ### Can I repeat my puzzle if there’s no one able to solve it?
Technically no. However, you can modify your puzzle so that the information is not entirely similar to your previous puzzle.
- ### What kind of puzzle should I create on Atocha Protocol?
Anything that you think can challenge others' minds, is acceptable and welcomed!
Some examples are:
1. Riddles
2. Brainteasers
3. Knowledge-based quizzes (teacher is welcome to create quiz for your students)
4. IQ logical quizzes
5. Boardgame quizzes (chess, sudoku, word puzzle, etc)
6. Treasure hunting
7. Mystery solving (a more complex form of puzzle with combination of challenges, just like treasure hunting)
- ### If the creator is required to provide an answer prior to publishing the puzzle, how can the answer be hidden from the public view?
The answer will be required to be hidden through a private key activation manually done by the creator. When the puzzle is expired, the creator will be required to use the private key to unlock the answer. If the creator does not reveal the answer within the challenge period, the $ATO security deposit will be burned in the Atocha Protocol Treasury.
## How To Participate? (As Solver)
- ### Should my answer be exactly the same as the provided answer to be eligible to win?
Not necessary, the team will work on the range of acceptable answers like whether the answer is written in big caps or lower caps, or some spelling error. Yet, it is best that the answer provided by the solver is 100% matching with the creator's answer.
- ### Can I withdraw my answer and resubmit one again?
No. You will be required to resubmit and pay another ticket fee.
- ### Can I change my answer after I submitted it?
No. Your answer is already recorded in the blockchain which is immutable.
- ### How do I solve and answer a puzzle on Atocha Protocol?
There will be an interface for you to do so. Once our test net is up and running, we will release more details.
- ### Will I get any rewards for answering the puzzle correctly?
Yes, you will be earning the sponsored $ATO put up by the creator as well as the community. You will also get to earn some part of the ticket fee as well.
## How To Participate? (As Sponsor)
- ### Who can become a sponsor?
Anyone who holds $ATO in Near Wallet.
- ### How do I sponsor a puzzle on Atocha Protocol?
The details will be released once our test net is up and running.
## Winning The Puzzle
- ### If I found myself winning the puzzle, how soon can I get my reward?
There will be the challenge phase to see whether the puzzle has any issue. Once the challenge phase is over, the protocol will automatically execute the redistribution of $ATO. More details on how to claim the prize will be released once the test net is ready.
- ### How can I claim my winning reward?
Once the test net is ready, we will release more details in regards to this.
## Puzzle Unsolved
- ### What happens when the puzzle is unsolved when it is expired?
It will be executed by the protocol in accordance with Outcome 2 (you can refer [here](https://www.notion.so/FAQ-for-ATOCHA-PROTOCOL-566e0f28ff3747e783a903193a465edf)). The sumarry of the outcome are as follow:
1. Creator will get their security deposit, sponsored $ATO, and all the collected ticket fees.
- ### What if the creator doesn't reveal the answer?
Then it will be executed by the protocol in accordance with Outcome 1 (you can refer [here](https://www.notion.so/FAQ-for-ATOCHA-PROTOCOL-566e0f28ff3747e783a903193a465edf)). The summary of the outcome are as follow:
1. Sponsors will get their sponsored $ATO back (including creator)
2. Solvers will get their ticket fee back
3. Atocha Treasury will burn the security deposit put up by the creator
## Fairness
- ### Can a creator change his question or answer? Can a solvers change his answers?
No. Everything is saved on the chain.
- ### How does Atocha Protocol prevents creators to copy and paste others' puzzle and make it into their own puzzle?
This is something that Atocha Protocol cannot prevent. However, there is no incentive for the creator to do so as most of the public available puzzles are there with answers available. Meaning to say, it is a sure win for the solvers as long as they google for the answer.
- ### What is the punishment for creators who design puzzle that is not fair or in bad faith?
The creator will be warned and may be blacklisted in the community. The security deposit paid by the creator will also be burned by the Atocha Treasury.
- ### What should I do if I see plagiarism in the puzzle created?
You can challenge the puzzle when the puzzle reached the challenge phase. There will be a designated discord channel to lodge such reports.
- ### What should I do if I think the answer revealed by the creator is incorrect or malicious?
You can challenge the creator by submitting an arbitration request. The judges (selected by the community) and the core team will engage with the creator and gauge the situation. The result of the arbitration will be final and absolute.